2Installation Assistant Used: Full Security 2Installation Assistant Used: Normal Security 2SuperSecurity: StartUp Launcher ^0 1PowerLock is now Registered to ^0 1Master Password was Used 4The AddOn, ^0, has a different interface to this PowerLock Version and may be incompatible 4An old version Prefs resource was removed and replaced 4A new Preferences file was created 4An AddOn has sent an unknown CallBack Request (^0) 2Caution: Unlimited Password Attempts Enabled 2SuperSecurity: Quit Trap ^0 2SuperSecurity: Lock Volume ^0 2SuperSecurity: FinderRename ^0 2SuperSecurity: BootBlocks ^0 4New Prefs resource created 4Prefs Resource converted to new format 3Logged In 1Special Timed Access 1Override Used 2PowerLock Reset 3User Removed 3User List Modified 3Password Changed 3Timed Out 2Shut Down 3The PowerLock Extension detected a bypass 1Intercepted an attempt to Quit PowerLock ^0